We're changing up our regularly scheduled blog to bring you some confirmed news. Did the hint help at all? Well, no matter. It is official now with a Zoom call from Elder Kelly Johnson from the Asian Area Presidency. When our Indian visa expires on March 20th, we will spend the last 6 months of our mission in the...
IndONESia Jakarta mission!!! In 6 more weeks we will be all-in-in Indonesia where we will serve as MLS (member/leader support) missionaries. We feel so very blessed that the Lord has given us yet another opportunity to fall in love with a new part of the world and a whole new set of people. If you think about our one year time in India being split into two halves with our YSA mission in Coimbatore and our office assignment in Bengaluru, and then include the 5 months spent in Church Headquarters at the Familysearch Library, we really will have 4 distinct mission experiences. We never expected to have the 4for1 mission special but we've always said we love variety and we love diversity! We know our time is short in India so we want to maximize our efforts here before we leave and really hope to hit the ground running as seasoned missionaries in a brand new country to maximize the relatively short time we'll have there too. It will be overwhelming at first like India was, I'm sure, but we can trust our Heavenly Father that he'll lead us by the hand in all new situations just as he has all along the way so we won't go with fear, only with immense gratitude and some curious delight.
Though it's only Thursday, I'll make this our blog entry for this week since we have plans to go to Cubbon Park on P-day this Saturday that will take up a big chunk of the time I normally write. I'll make next week's extra long. Oh goody.
The big event of the week was Elder Dunlap's 67th birthday! We started out with the idea of taking our co-worker Micheal to lunch with us since he's the only one who knows where we can get Mundi in Bengaluru. He's the current mission assistant but has been offered a new position as the Media Something Something Director for the church for all of India, so we wanted to celebrate that as well. But President Bushi came into the office and he caught wind of our plan and then he invited himself and the APs along and two other full-time employees and suddenly we had ourselves a party at Barkaas! His treat!

Rockin' the Casbah
Wood you like to join us too?
The AP elders joined us again for late evening cake and ice cream at our apartment to finish the day. I think he felt duly celebrated. Everybody, including me, loves Elder Dunlap!
They've all matured just a tad!
Lovely Solange
This just made me cry with joy to see this family, who in the beginning were refugees with nothing but an empty apartment, who thought a dishwasher was a storage closet. Now look at them all! If I had a bucket list, (which I don't) I'd like to have a friend from every nation. I'd like to teach them all about our Heavenly Father's love for them and his great Plan of Happyness for all of his children. I'd like to be united with them in our faith in the God of Heaven who created our spirits, and his Son, our Savior who died to save us all. So now we get to add Indonesia, a Muslim nation, to where we will go to spread the good news of the restored gospel and the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I never knew that, I would've supposed Indonesia was Buddhist. Nope, that was my Korean mission. And now Hindu in India. And next Muslim. Is there some divine plan to all of this? It sure feels like it to me! Well, I gotta go, its time to learn some Bahasa.
Love this so, so much! Living the dream for sure. Happy Birthday Elder Dunlap!!
ReplyDeleteAt the restaurant I noticed the spoon. What happened to using your hands to eat? Remember thali and your new skill set. God blessed you with those hands to feed yourself and with your belly full, your tongue will be loosed to preach His gospel. All the best in wrapping up in India and preparing for Indonesia and your next adventure. See you soon in St George.
ReplyDeleteWhat an adventure you are having! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Utah. So glad to hear all is going well. That food looks so good, although curry is poison for me.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused. How much longer will you be on your mission? What is your return date?
I couldn't find a way to make a comment other than anonymous but the comment above and this comment are both from Alta Thorpe.
ReplyDeleteWhat a Spiritual adventure you two are enjoying. Happy Birthday and Bon Voyage. This is my 3rd week in Colorado Springs. Met with our Bishop on Sunday and he gave us a list of 7 inactive families and one new convert to fellowship. Great way to start out. Wishing you an amazing safe new adventure.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun, new adventure ahead in Indonesia!!! Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you guys! And your hair is adorable! You are the gorgeous kind that can pull anything off! 😁