Sometimes the theme for this blog is unknown and the discovery of it elusive at the onset but it emerges in the very process of constructing it. I'm always blown away when the metaphor comes to me when I least expect it. But isn't that how personal revelation works? Yea, verily.
But this week, the theme was very clear and apparent. The Erode Branch invited us to attend their activity on Monday, (normally our p-day) and wanted us to speak on a specific topic- Unity or in Tamil- Ootrimeh.We pondered how to present this concept when we knew there would be youngsters and those young in the gospel present. This was no gospel doctrine setting with seasoned students. So we went with 3 concrete examples- one found in the Book of Mormon, one in our pioneer heritage in the practice of "circling the wagons", and one in a childhood game of Red Rover; teaching the concepts of fortification by uniting for protection against enemies who would destroy us, pairing weak with strong so all are strengthened, and a few other metaphoric teamwork building strategies.
*Disclaimer- No arms were broken in the playing of this game
Let's circle up.
But quite by accident, the most unification came when we all started dancing together. Who knew? Certainly not us. Because western style dancing is such a novel experience for all of them, they initially couldn't overcome the newness of it all; holding hands, (especially if they were of the opposite sex), visualizing the circular floor plan with two wheels going in opposite directions, all hindered by language barriers in our explanations made it a real challenge. There's always a point where we're ready to give up because they just aren't getting it and some are too shy to just let it happen and it looks completely hopeless. But mustering all our patience, once we practiced a few times and then added the music, the joy began to emerge, the smiles lit up their faces and the barriers between us all came a tumblin' down- both young/old, male/female and Indian/American.
We got this!
Heel, toe, heel toe, slide slide slide slide
Clap clap clap, slap slap slap, elbow swing-
And now you have a brand new partner!
By dancing with each other, suddenly we became best friends! We didn't know it would hold such power but it worked stronger miracles than the sermon. It was a beautiful thing to experience.
New found closeness

United sisters with much in common
Hearts knit together
New investigator/ seasoned member
Previously, all this month, we have been nourished every Sunday in the Marriage Relations class taught by Sister Punitha & Brother Ambrose. They too have been preaching Ootrimeh in our marriages through prayer, positive communication, forgiveness.
These are the wedding and courtship photos of our class. Check them out up close, they are really fun.
Punitha and Ambrose are tremendous teachers and role models. It has been a joy to have had this assignment with them, although they really do the bulk of the preparation and teaching. I am not exaggerating when I say we have witnessed the most masterful teaching here in Coimbatore than anywhere in our experience yet. These two and other teachers masterfully weave the truths of Christ's gospel seamlessly between two languages and we all are edified. Talk about the gift of tongues! We come away from Institute, from Young Women's classes, from Sunday School, and from this class too, absolutely inspired.
Marriage 505
So to thank them for the many kindnesses they have shown us right from our very start, we invited them to help us celebrate our sealing anniversary by dining with us at The Welcome Hotel. It was a lovely atmosphere. The food was delicious, the conversation edifying, all while the singer was crooning familiar American love songs just for the occasion. We'll remember this night fondly for years to come.
Friends for life...and eternity
Weaving a tapestry of ootrimeh in our marriages and friendships.
We embrace this concept of Zion, becoming "of One heart and One mind" in this India experience and everywhere. There is only one possible unifying force that could possibly overcome all contention, strife, malice, and cultural differences in our marriages, families, friendships, congregations, and nations. Not politics. Not policies or laws or enforcements. May I boldly declare that it is only through Jesus Christ that true unity is possible .
For now, we build and foster good will and openness with our Hindu, Moslem, and Christian friends, loving them right where they are in their life journey, but knowing most assuredly that one day all nations will bow and tongues confess that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the Savior of the World. He is the author of UNITY! He alone, with the help of his servants, has a plan to unite us all.
Be ready!
"Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, must be born again; yea born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
Yea, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess before him...that he is God."
Mosiah 27: 25, 31
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