For about two weeks, we knew some changes were in the works for us but we weren't supposed to say much until there were some confirmed green lights set in place. This put us in a tough position, people would ask us for commitments to help with future events and we had to answer vaguely like, "hmm, we don't know for sure, can we get back to you on that?"Figuratively and literally walking on eggshells.
The weekly experiences of Elder Rob and Sister Allison Dunlap in connection with their calling to the India Bengaluru Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Friday, September 29, 2023
Marching orders
For about two weeks, we knew some changes were in the works for us but we weren't supposed to say much until there were some confirmed green lights set in place. This put us in a tough position, people would ask us for commitments to help with future events and we had to answer vaguely like, "hmm, we don't know for sure, can we get back to you on that?"Figuratively and literally walking on eggshells.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Sometimes the theme for this blog is unknown and the discovery of it elusive at the onset but it emerges in the very process of constructing it. I'm always blown away when the metaphor comes to me when I least expect it. But isn't that how personal revelation works? Yea, verily.
But this week, the theme was very clear and apparent. The Erode Branch invited us to attend their activity on Monday, (normally our p-day) and wanted us to speak on a specific topic- Unity or in Tamil- Ootrimeh.We pondered how to present this concept when we knew there would be youngsters and those young in the gospel present. This was no gospel doctrine setting with seasoned students. So we went with 3 concrete examples- one found in the Book of Mormon, one in our pioneer heritage in the practice of "circling the wagons", and one in a childhood game of Red Rover; teaching the concepts of fortification by uniting for protection against enemies who would destroy us, pairing weak with strong so all are strengthened, and a few other metaphoric teamwork building strategies.
*Disclaimer- No arms were broken in the playing of this gameHeel, toe, heel toe, slide slide slide slide
Previously, all this month, we have been nourished every Sunday in the Marriage Relations class taught by Sister Punitha & Brother Ambrose. They too have been preaching Ootrimeh in our marriages through prayer, positive communication, forgiveness.
Punitha and Ambrose are tremendous teachers and role models. It has been a joy to have had this assignment with them, although they really do the bulk of the preparation and teaching. I am not exaggerating when I say we have witnessed the most masterful teaching here in Coimbatore than anywhere in our experience yet. These two and other teachers masterfully weave the truths of Christ's gospel seamlessly between two languages and we all are edified. Talk about the gift of tongues! We come away from Institute, from Young Women's classes, from Sunday School, and from this class too, absolutely inspired.
So to thank them for the many kindnesses they have shown us right from our very start, we invited them to help us celebrate our sealing anniversary by dining with us at The Welcome Hotel. It was a lovely atmosphere. The food was delicious, the conversation edifying, all while the singer was crooning familiar American love songs just for the occasion. We'll remember this night fondly for years to come.
Friends for life...and eternitySaturday, September 16, 2023
After last week's flurry of travel, inspiration, and activity, we can sum up this week's work easily in 3 words and a smattering of photos. Wedding, English, and Cemeteries.
We were invited to the wedding of a member's son so my good friend Punitha dolled me up in one of her saris and provided bling and bangles. There is no elastic waistband or fixtures of any kind, just a whole lotta folding and draping going on! Rob was glad for a reason to don his Indian vest, so we happily attended the event with them. It was held in a reception center and we witnessed only a small part of the multiple-day proceedings. After we took a customary photo with the new couple, we walked down a level where they fed the guests in a way that is unique to S. Indian cuisine and culture. Each person is given a large banana leaf as a placemat with "mix-ins" for their large helping of rice. As you may know, no utensils are necessary, all mixing is done by hand. I know, it looks a little odd to our way of eating but it was nonetheless delicious and they were more than happy to offer seconds on any blob you wanted more of. There are two main cuisines offered in Coimbatore-Veg and Non Veg. This could also be a metaphor for us, as I will describe.
(I was trying to disguise the fact that I was photographing the food, so oops, not very centered.)Mid-week, we held our English Conversation group. Our regulars invited another new attendee, which is a good sign that they like it and feel it's worth their while. These adorable young men, along with our young elders and a few of the young adult men in the branches, have become our favorite adopted sons to love and nurture. Some of them are living in a hostel while they attend college so we like to supply bread & butter, and lots of love and encouragement alongside their English lessons. This week, inspired by Elder and Sister Tai's challenge, we introduced them to the FamilySearch website. Along with some great church videos, each one stood in front of the class individually and shared 3 personality and/or physical traits they felt they had inherited from each of their parents and a grandparent. It was a fun sharing activity and I think they were intrigued with the idea of family history if nothing else. We always walk home after these meetings so filled with happiness because of their sweetness and earnestness. There is real reason for hope in this rising generation.We're just blessed to know some of the cream of the crop!
How could you possibly not love them?Petite Rithi came in late and cashed in on the zucchini bread, slathering on that butter. We're amazed that there were leftovers!
So while we're kinda sorta on the subject of family history, I'm excited to say we've completely photographed one whole cemetery here in Coimbatore! That's nearly 2000 images, most of which contain multiple names. We started this project completely on faith, thinking that someday it might be helpful to even 1 lone soul looking for a long lost grandparent. Imagine, to our utter astonishment, the amazement we felt when we looked at our dashboard on the website to see this:
Once upon a time there was an elephant who turned into a tree...
He shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness...
The Final Blog that (almost) refused to be written
Here we are home from our mission for nearly two weeks now. It's time to share our final thoughts, impressions, and photos of this pos...
First, a recap of a few things that transpired this week. We had our first Zone Conference with our new mission leaders, Pres. and Sis. Ma...
Indonesia gave us a BIG going away present! We originally were scheduled to leave on August 23rd but then we started hearing advertising mo...
Here we are home from our mission for nearly two weeks now. It's time to share our final thoughts, impressions, and photos of this pos...