I failed to report in our blog last week a very important thing that happened. During our Zone Conference, Rob was called and set apart to be the Executive Secretary for the Bengaluru Mission by President Bushi. The Mission Presidency is far flung, with counselors from Sri Lanka to Coimbatore to Bangaluru. Most of his duties will be done virtually and by email but President Bushi said there may be some traveling involved in the future when the restrictions are lifted and if so, I would get to tag along as his companion. So we were both happy to take on this responsibility. His job is mostly reminding branch leaders about reports and meetings, etc. and so I am most confident Rob can do this although he's been stretched in his technological know-how just to get in the missionary apartment inspection reports with photos attached. This sounds so basic to others but we have too many different email addresses and accounts and 3 phones with pictures on them and too many passwords and storage places and media platforms that we are very muddled by it all and sometimes wish we could just go back to the days of copying things in triplicate and snail mailing them! We are both learning slowly but one thing I know, Rob will not give up til he figures it out so I think they called at the very least a dependable man for the job and Sister Flintstone will support him however she can. So go Fred!
I don't have many photos to share of events this week except of a visit with a wonderful family in our Ghandipuram Branch. They invited us to their home for lunch and while there, the husband asked for a Priesthood blessing for himself and his wife which Elder Dunlap and our driver Brother Augustine were happy and humbled to give.
Brother Kumar, Sister Karen, and their kids
Ladies in Red
We loved most of all hearing this brother's touching conversion story and also how he met and fell in love with his wife. I wish I could share all the details with you, you would be just as moved by their miracles as we were, to know a loving Heavenly Father was watching over them and guiding them, he from starting his life of being an orphan at a young age, to experiencing miracles in answer to heartfelt prayers for help and guidance, to becoming a missionary for the restored gospel, to receiving the personal revelation that Karen would be his wife the first time he saw her. We came away from this visit feeling so edified and glorifying God that He is so good and so true to his promises to those who love Him. He is so willing to reveal truth to those who ask in faith and are willing to believe in Him first instead of seeking a sign before they will believe. Faith always precedes the miracles people, remember this.
Now speaking of signs, it's time to share some of the favorite ones we've seen in our short time here. They are an endless source of delight to us and never fail to give us a chuckle just when we need it! 🤠We've always loved puns, word play, malaprops, etc. In the past we've gotten such a kick out of Chinglish (Chinese English) so we've decided to call the ones we find here Tanglish (Tamil English)
It was very licious.
The biryani here does reign supreme
This is no typo, just perfectly named after a city
Finally, we found one
Some dentists are better than others
Hey wait! It's both!
Wasn't as cute when it stopped working
Which spokesguy speaks to your soup needs?
At least they are honest
Careful which one you pick
Let's call them happy skin pants in America too
Is this a store or a political statement for Dad?
Too much math required to enjoy this ride
This one is actually well said
And thanks to perfect precision, a fair warning.
That's it for this week! Signing off because I'm
Me impersonating the mannequins
"Yes, there are many who do say; if thou wilt show unto me a sign from heaven, then we shall know of a surety; then we shall believe. Now I ask, is this faith? I say unto you nay; for if a man knoweth a thing he hath no cause to believe, for he knoweth it"
Alma 32:17
Who'd have guessed we'd be so blessed here?!
Thanks for the update. Brian
ReplyDeleteLove your pics and comments
ReplyDeleteWill read them to Linda. Dee is much improved. She:s a fighter. love, Marjorie