It's a daunting task to convey all the joy and delight we felt during our adventurous 5 days in Bali. I mean, come on! For one thing, this is a vacation destination island for the whole world and to think we were able to visit it as part of our mission! How are we so lucky? As I write this we're still on a high. There were so many varied experiences, all which were Spirit-filled and meaningful. We were able to do some effective missionary work with the darling sister missionaries, visit with the members of the Bali Branch, be involved in some inspiring humanitarian work, attend the warm and cohesive branch church services, speak in Sacrament meeting, AND cram in a little sightseeing all in too short of a time. This will not be chronological for sure, no matter how this spills out.
One of the major highlights for us was being invited to stand in for the humanitarian missionaries and attend the 19th birthday of the Smile Foundation, an organization formed by Mary, an English lady who has lived in Bali for 40+years. LDS Charities partners with this organization along with local hospitals, volunteer surgeons, speech therapists, and many other charitable organizations to perform surgeries on individuals with cleft lip, cleft palate, and other facial deformities. These surgeries give those affected a brand new life and future. We were absolutely inspired by the stories of the 3800 affected individuals they've helped so far and got to actually meet a few of them in person. We were warmly greeted like we were some sort of VIPs.
Really, just Very Insignificant Peons
But we were representing the Church of Jesus Christ at large and so we attempted to be dignified, gracious, and articulate. We met Mary, along with the American Consulate, the surgeons, all the staff and volunteers, and best of all, a few of the recipients of the surgeries. To have them look you in the eyes and smile confidently was the biggest honor of all. I think this is one of the most wonderful and worthwhile charities because it changes lives so dramatically!
The movers and shakers
We watched a slide show of the amazing transformations of these faces that literally brought tears to our eyes. Then we were treated to a Balinese dance performance by two young boys that was nothing short of incredible. We marveled at their dance skill and professional stage presence!
A very imposing presence for an 11 year old!
We were mesmerized!
It was incredible to learn afterwards that one of these young performers had been the recipient of cleft palate surgery. Again, more lumps in our throats. His confidence was so inspiring to us! So we left the event feeling very blessed to meet so many lovely, caring people and see the miracles of healing first-hand.
Another incredibly happy part of our stay was working and spending time with Sister Indrachapa and Sister Wibowo. We adore them!! Because the Bali Branch is bilingually Bahasenglish, they speak both languages well, lucky for us. Sister Wibowo is waiting for her visa to go to New Zealand They are such bright and radiant stars, we felt instant love for them and from them.
Biker chicks
Sistahs in Zion
Lunch at the Cafe Noir

They could eat the elders under the table!
Usually it is Elders that open a brand new area but the Lord chose sisters for Bali. They have only been a presence less than 6 months but already the branch is growing and having baptisms. We instantly saw why. The members just love them and trust them to teach their friends the gospel. We joined in on a Family Home Evening lesson with one family and the tail end of a Mission Prep class with another. Who should we run into at one member's home but Sister Novi who we met in Medan last month in the airport! She knew us by our badges and introduced herself to us. This world is way too small! It is always amazing to us how the Lord puts us in each other's paths.
A chance meeting in Medan Airport

Here we are at Sister Novi's home in Bali. Now honestly, don't all these young people look about the same age? Imagine our surprise when we learned she is the mother of 3 boys, one in his 20s, not pictured. She is a vibrant part of the branch.
At Sister Estee and Brother ?'s FHE
Guys just flexing their guns
Manliness aside, on Rob's tender side we got the rare treat of holding babies. Baby puppies that is. Since we can't hold human babies we were both in a little bit of heaven.
Proxy grandson practice
Just a little boy with his puppy
There aren't enough superlatives to describe the Bali Branch. They are warm and friendly and united because, as President Tew said, they're all transplants who've come from different islands and countries. There actually are no native Balinese in the membership. Yet. We had many visitors from so many places too. Gave me that good ol' Zion feeling!
This returned missionary is a Muslim convert with an amazing conversion story.
A new Aussie family attending for the first time. They have moved to Bali and will be a great strength to the branch. 3 of their children are off to BYU, one son is awaiting his mission call!
More wonderful Aussie brothers, including the young boy in the tree.
French brother with awesome accent, on the right. Note the baptismal font in the back of chapel. Right handy!
Visitors from Holland but now living in New Zealand
Sister Navi giving the Relief Society lesson.
New Zealand Momma w/ baby ginger
Our hotel was a stone's throw from the branch building. We loved everything about it except the 100 Jr. high school boys that were on a school trip and never slept except finally at 6:00 am when their chaperones would bang on their doors to wake them up. (Where were they at 2:00 am to quiet them down?)
The 2nd Best Marigold Hotel!
Perfect weather and breezes wafting through the open hallways
Eating outdoors, surrounded by lush plant life

Almost paradise
The surrounding neighborhood reflected earlier days of opulence, then decay
The beach was within walking distance of our hotel and the surf was calling to Elder to come and frolic in its waves. We couldn't get this close to the ocean without at least seeing it and wading in the water! The walk there was a stroll through Babylon. We closed our eyes to so much crudity and obscenity but we wore our badges and tried to stand out as beacons to an ever darkening world. We shared the gospel with the salesman that wanted to sell us time shares. Fair enough?
I found my Balinese lady with a basket on her head and bought a fan from her.
We walked along the shore of beautiful Legian Beach that stretched for miles, careful to stay out of the No Swim zones
So much for keeping our clothes dry
We ate a yummy meal on the beach, sipping coconut water. President Bushi introduced us to coconut water our first day in Coimbatore to cure whatever ails ya. It has become my favorite beverage of all time and will mourn the day we can't just buy one off the street.
Our last experience worth sharing was driving to a palace in Ubud an hour and a half away to see ancient Balinese dance performed in an outdoor palace setting.

Their moves were completely in synch to the musician's beats, even the shifting of the eyes side to side or the quiver of a finger. Though the moves and the music were quite repetitive, you could study any body part; the feet, the hands, the angle of the arms, neck, and head and see that each element was a careful study of an ancient art. We arrived early and found the last good seats with unobstructed views because there was no reserved seats and people crammed into every nook to see the stage. Some people tired easily and talked noisily over the music, others stood up and walked out right in the middle of a performance. But for us, we were transported to another time and culture and we were enthralled by it, knowing this was a once in a lifetime experience for us! We were grateful to Kevin, our driver who was a branch member. He got us there and back and we had good talks with him as we shared some similar life experiences. (I wish I had taken a photo of him.) We ate way too much ice cream on this trip too! Although we had been transported to an exotic island that felt like a vacation of sorts, we knew we were on the Lord's errand and hoped we represented him well. We learned of two women, one dear friend locally in the branch, and one dear friend at home both deeply affected by cancer and we kept them in our fasting and prayers unceasingly during this week in Bali.
Great are the promises of the Lord unto them who are upon the isles of the sea.”

Get thee hence, Satan!!